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Fruškogorska 1
21000 Novi Sad

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Historic note: The 2009 ImageNet dataset, with its 14 million labeled images in 20,000 categories,
has been instrumental in furthering the accuracy of deep learning neural networks.

Scientific research and collaboration

Scientists learn the most through research and collaborations. That is why most of our individual and institutional KPI's are related to this activity, and why we dedicate most of our time to scientific research with our mentors and partners. Funding for this activity comes from the Serbian Science Fund and from international funding agencies, such as the European Commission, USAID, World Bank, UNDP, etc. Results in this activity are commonly measured by the number and quality of conference and journal papers scientists publish, so we will dedicate a lot of effort making sure we publish high quality work.

Industrial R&D

Scientific knowledge is all the more valuable if it can be applied in practice. Our KPI's reflect that and we invest a lot of our time and energy to work with our partners in industry. So far we have formalized the collaboration with Continental's R&D Center in Novi Sad, and more such partnerships with major technology and IT companies are coming.

IP protection and commercialization

One of the distinguishing features of AI as a discipline is a quick turnaround between research and commercial applications. As we learn and discover new AI science and its applications, we will patent our key discoveries and look for ways to commercialize them through licensing, start-ups, and spin-offs.

Knowledge transfer and dissemination

One of the ways the Institute plans to fulfill its mission of helping Serbia capture a significant chunk of the global market of AI based products and services is to disseminate knowledge and help existing companies enter this market. We will do this through seminars and workshops with interested companies and individuals.

Promotion of STEM

Another characteristic of AI as a discipline is the high entrance threshold in terms of STEM (science, engineering, technology, math) education. While Serbia already has excellent STEM education, we plan to help further enhance it and thus increase the ability of our future workforce to jump over that threshold.

Publications, conferences

In addition to scientific papers published in conferences and journals, our scientists will also publish monographs and textbooks in order to share their knowledge and expertise. Furthermore, they will organize conferences to attract international talent to come together, share experiences, collaborate and learn together, and advance the science and practice of AI.