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Nikola Prodanović

Name: Nikola Prodanović
Joined 2021
Academic title: PhD
Alma mater: U of Belgrade
Google Scholar

My favorite professional achievement is the theoretical design of a quantum based detector for very far infrared - almost microwave light. How cool is that! Sadly, I did not get a Nobel Prize for that discovery :). After pursuing quantum theoretical designs for many years I settled my interests to the designs of the smart algorithms. I am trying to utilize my strong mathematical modelling background to practical problems associated with complex AI systems.

Datascience and physics have always been getting along. Take for example Dmitri Mendeleev. During 1860s, he classifed matter based on some advanced datascience algorithms for the time. I hope he possessed mechanical calculator to help him out, like we have our programmable electronic calculators today!

I am very passionate about natural language processing in both Serbian and English. My interests are centered around mathematical encoding of natural language.