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Milovan Medojević

Name: Milovan Medojević
Joined 2021
Academic title: MSc
Alma mater: University of Novi Sad
Google Scholar

My favorite professional achievement spins around the theory that the behavior of manufacturing systems, which are inherently nonlinear dynamic systems, could be determined based on identification and quantification of energy flows which exist in it. In my quest for the necessary evidence for this theory, I designed and developed several IoT devices for decentralized data collection. This is when and where artificial intelligence pops in with its ability to compress and analyze large sets of data that can help monitor and interpret the data produced by the systems to optimize energy consumption, implement data-driven prognostics, generate operation behavior profiles, as well as to provide useful process insights based on their energy flows, such as event forensics, change patterns, etc., almost in real-time. Pretty cool stuff, what do you think?